Marta is now 3 years and 4 months old. She speaks an awful lot and most of it is in Spanish. I suppose this is normal considering she is surrounded by Spanish at school and at home. I'm the only person that speaks to her in English but she also watches most of her TV and films in English.
Her attitudes to English are funnny. She is fully aware of the two languages and when either her mother or father speaks to her in the 'wrong' language, she quickly tells us to change. (For example "Why do you talk to me in English mummy?")
When she went to Ireland this summer she got quite stressed because, although she could understand everybody in English, people didn't understand her speaking in Spanish. In the end she got quite upset about it and refused to talk to my mother for a while.
Funnily enough, since we came back from Ireland she uses an awful lot more English than before. I am now "daddy" not "papá", she uses auxillary verbs for example:
Me: "Did you have a good time today?"
Marta "Yes,
I did"
She also uses lots of set expressions which she has heard me using in our games:
"I got one", "I'm coming", "Marta is the winner".
Finally, she continues to play with English and Spanish, mixing them and using them to do whatever she wants:
Me: Tristan has diarrhea
Marta: No. Tiene
diarrheo, es
un boy.